
Q Quotes

by  Leonard Merkes

Moving Memory

Script of a radio play about the art movement ZERO

Press here to listen to the audio play:


At the edge of a street, in front of a gate, a driveway. A car approaches, it stops and a door opens. Someone gets out. Then a match is lit and goes out in the wind. Music, a melody, that envelops the text like smoke.

We were boys and teenagers growing up in a dark time. The whole world was dark. No light was allowed to escape out of any window. There were no streetlights and the cars — the few there were — had masks on their headlights with little slits, which let through a tiny bit of light.


Danger everywhere

This also meant the daytime sky, for the daytime sky was, after all, full of danger. The daytime sky was more of a threat than a promise of salvation and illumination.

It was just dark. And that for six years. Of the life I lived as a boy, one third was war.

And therefore there is this enormous contrast between a life in darkness and a life in a legalized brightness.

A match is lit and goes out in the wind. Then, as though from far away, there’s a crack, a crunch. Metal meets metal. A gate opens, something starts moving, digs into the melody. A voice repeats:

Projectionists please turn on projectors!

Projectionists please turn on projectors!

Projectionists please turn on projectors!



Steps. Someone walking up a staircase. A quiet voice counts down from ten. A countdown, a counting rhyme that, before it ends at zero, starts all over again, sometimes jumping wildly back and forth between numbers. For this scene: laughing at mistakes is allowed, silence can happen at any time, and of course the sound of steps must be repeated at the end. Different voices, saying:








Someone takes a deep breath. Then again followed by steps.




Je suis de mon temps

Je suis de mon temps








Again someone takes a deep breath. Then again — steps.

ZERO: we are for everything!

ZERO: we are alive!




4 2 3 1



3 4 2 1


ZERO: we are for everything!

ZERO: we are alive!


It is unstoppable

It is without physics

Dynamo dynamo dynamo


7/7 dynamo

The calm of unrest

The calm of unrest

4 3 2 1


No tremolo

No lamento

No ritardando

No parlando


Giggling. Somewhere in a building a heavy iron or steel door opens and then another and another and another. A short melody, the same as at the beginning, resumes, it pushes through the opened doors, which after a while, surprisingly, shut completely silently. Steps continue, leading into the next scene.


An empty room. People are tiptoeing around, soft sounds come from all directions. Words echo in German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, and in languages yet to be invented.

An entirely new art has to come. No longer beautiful and ugly, no longer good and evil, but an art that is no longer art, but a given.

Not abstract. Not figurative.

Not merely as an action. Not merely as stimulus. But as seeing itself.

Anti-painting, not antagonism. But rather a new dimension.

ZERO is a community of individuals, not a party. There is no president, no leader, no secretary, no treasurer, no members. There are only human relationships.

There is no obligation to participate, nor is there any other “should” or “must.” The composition of the ZERO exhibitions changes constantly.

We occasionally work together, even as a team.

For me, the meaning of teamwork consists in the synthesis of different, individual ideas.

Voluntary integration and voluntary dissolution.

ZERO accepts things as they are.

Excluding disturbing personal feelings is a fundamental principle of ZERO.

The absence of a particular preference, the absence of a particular emphasis.

Not abstract. Not figurative.

Not merely as an action. Not merely as stimulus. But as seeing itself.

You ask: Can this project even be realized?

I say: Yes!




ZERO: we are for everything!

ZERO: we are alive!






Je suis de mon temps

Je suis de mon temps






Dynamo dynamo dynamo






Was one third war

the life I lived as a boy

Was one third war

Sudden silence. Something cracks and crackles, something warps and someone whispers:

Project proposal:

Light plantation 3 x 3 x 3 meters

Cube with 36 vertical columns

These columns are of different heights with slits 150 cm long

The slits appear as threads of light

Individual light threads are programmed as groups

The time that a group lights up is:

5 seconds

Several voices count down softly from five, while a single voice speaks the following text against the rhythm of the counting:

I want to build a new space, a space without beginning or end, where everything lives and is invited to live. Which is at the same time quiet and loud, motionless and moving. It shall be high, as high as I want it to be, and low, when I want it to be low. It should be erectable anywhere, in the smallest space or large like a city, a country, or even a thought. If you hold a mirror up to another mirror, you will find a space without end or limits, a space with unlimited possibilities, a new metaphysical space.

A match ignites and in the words that now follow, there is flickering, crackling

Heinz Mack, Otto Piene, Günther Uecker, Zero-Manifest, 1963, archive of the ZERO foundation, estate of Heinz Mack, inv. no. mkp. ZERO.1.VII.126

Zero is the silence. Zero is the beginning. Zero is round. Zero turns itself. Zero is the moon. The sun is Zero. Zero is white. The desert Zero. The sky above Zero. The night -. Zero flows. The eye Zero. Navel. Mouth. Kiss. The milk is round. The flower Zero the bird. Silently. Floating. I eat Zero, I drink Zero, I sleep Zero, I wake up Zero, I love Zero. Zero is beautiful. Dynamo dynamo dynamo. The trees in springtime, the snow, fire, water, sea. Red orange yellow green indigo blue violet. Zero Zero rainbow. 4 3 2 1 Zero. Gold and silver. Sound and smoke. Traveling circus Zero. Zero is the silence. Zero is the beginning. Zero is round. Zero is Zero.


A radio is heard. It jumps back and forth between different radio stations. News reports, news, from yesterday today and tomorrow. A babble of voices, then a newsreel:

… Then we went to Gallery d, where Europe’s artistic avant-garde gives a foretaste of what will one day inspire our grandchildren as much as Rembrandt and Raphael have long inspired us. A little apprehensively, we felt our way through the thicket of opinions:

“I don’t know if you can call this art; there are a lot of things here that are very amusing and formally very wittily solved.”

“To tell it to you straight, this is quite pointless nonsense.”

“It has very little to do with art. It looks more like technical equipment, and if it’s supposed to be art, I’d say it borders on charlatanism.”

“I think it’s quite imaginative.”

“The composition is quite good, too.”

“Can you explain the line thing?”

Abrupt end, as if someone has pulled the plug. Only a single tone remains, as an acoustic line, so to speak. It is neither pleasant nor unpleasant. It lasts until the next scene begins.


A light switch is turned on, a cigarette is lit, a window is opened. Breathing in and breathing out. While someone is talking, you think you hear a plane taking off, its jet engines getting louder and louder, more and more booming, affecting your voice as well. Just when you think that the plane must now take off, there is a sudden silence.

In 1944, I saw a jet fighter for the first time. It rolled to the start of the runway before take off. During the preparations, I noticed that the pilot made a strangely nervous, perhaps neurotic impression. The airplane seemed strange and thrilling.

Despite this stimulating observation, I was completely surprised by what then occurred: the engines were started. Immediately, the air around the plane, especially behind the wings, began to tremble, vibrate, and dance. Stronger than the flickering over a cornfield in summer more obvious, more urgent. Seen through this pulsating air, everything seemed like an articulation of power.

After the noise, into the silence, quietly but firmly:


I wish for a wider world.

Should I wish for a narrower one?


A car door is slammed. You hear an engine start, then voices from a car radio. Again and again you hear the sound of radio stations being changed.

At the end of the war, I was demobilized in Schleswig-Holstein. I had never seen the sea, so I decided not to go south and home immediately, but to go west to the coast.

You have heard about the exhibition ZERO on Sea …unbelievably tomorrow I will be there with Piene and discuss everything in more detail. If everything is true: What do you think?

…between movement and motionlessness there is this imperceptible moment …at which what is moving already stands still …at which the end begins with the beginning.

Because of the war, I had been evacuated and I landed up in the middle of the countryside.

Rapidly, we pass a forest. Here, static objects shift in front of one another and behind one another.

I remember as a child trying to push my head between the bars of a railing and not getting it out again.

Freeway bridge. Railing. Two vertical rows of steel shift in front of one another. They vibrate like the plucked strings of an instrument.

Through a combination of adverse circumstances, it took me days, actually a week, to get to Glücksstadt, where, although not the coast, at least the Elbe is.

Maybe we can color the sea and the beach.

We can certainly get spotlights for the light columns at night. What do you think?

Because of the war, I had been evacuated and landed up in the middle of the countryside.

I remember…

There’s no such thing as a standstill.

I remember…

You ought to be able to walk on the sea, on a skin of silver. That would be something for you. What do you think?

I remember…

It would be good to have a NATO missile there and modify it, humanize it. A good idea to paint a tank pink, a better one is a Stalin “Katyusha“ and maneuvers with war machines. What can be done to make it clear here that it will be a celebration of life?

I remember …

The islands move, or the Earth moves and the islands stand, stand in the rotation. You can do that with acoustics. What do you think?

Fire rafts. Glasses for the sun, not against it. What do you think?

I remember…

How do you think?

This text has been translated from German into English by Gloria Custance.


ZERO aus Deutschland 1957 bis 1966. Und heute (ZERO out of Germany 1957 to 1966. And Today), ed. by Renate Wiehager, exh. cat., Villa Merkel (Esslingen and Ostfildern, 2000).

Otto Piene and Heinz Mack, “Dynamo,” Nota. Studentische Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst und Dichtung, no. 4, pp. 3–4.

Heinz Mack, ed. by Heike van den Valentyn, exh. cat., Kunstpalast Düsseldorf (Cologne 2021).

Otto Piene, 10 Texte (Munich, 1961).

ZERO. Die internationale Kunstbewegung der 50er und 60er Jahre (ZERO: The International Art Movement of the 1950s and 1960s), ed. by Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, exh. cat. Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin (Cologne 2015).

Günther Uecker, “From a Letter to Mack 1965”, in Günther Uecker, ed. by Wieland Schmied, exh. cat. Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hannover (St. Gallen, 1972), pp. 40-41.

Project description KunstLichtKunst, archive of the ZERO foundation, estate of Otto Piene, inv.no. mkp.ZERO.2.I.V.140_4.


Heinz Mack, ZERO-Wecker , 1961/Artist15 x 13 x 6 cm, alarm clock with collage, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, Invent.-No. mkp.ZERO.2008.12, photo: Horst Kolberg
  ZERO-Kurzbiografie Uli Pohl Der am 28. Oktober 1935 in München geborene Uli Pohl studiert von 1954 bis 1961 bei Ernst Geitlinger Malerei an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München. 1961 lädt Udo Kultermann den Absolventen zur Teilnahme an der Ausstellung 30 junge Deutsche im Schloss Morsbroich in Leverkusen ein. An dieser sind auch Heinz Mack, Otto Piene und Günther Uecker beteiligt. Es dauert nicht lange, da wird er in der Zeitschrift ZERO vol. 3 als DYNAMO POHL aufgenommen und von da an gehören seine Werke zu den ZERO-Ausstellungen. Pohls künstlerisches Wahlmaterial war lange Z
  ZERO-Kurzbiografie Adolf Luther   Adolf Luther wird am 25. April 1912 in Krefeld-Uerdingen geboren. Er starb am 20. September 1990 in Krefeld. Nach seinem Jurastudium in Bonn, welches er 1943 mit seiner Promotion abschließt, ist er zunächst bis 1957 als Richter in Krefeld und Minden tätig. Bereits während des Krieges beginnt Luther sich mit der Malerei auseinanderzusetzen, zugunsten der er seinen Beruf als Richter aufgibt, und versucht durch gestisch-informelle Malerei traditionelle Strukturen zu überwinden. 1959 entstehen seine ersten ausschließlich schwarzen Materiebilder, dere
  Short ZERO-Biography of Adolf Luther   Adolf Luther was born in Krefeld-Uerdingen on April 25, 1912. He died in Krefeld on September 20, 1990. After studying law in Bonn, which he completed with his doctorate in 1943, he initially worked as a judge in Krefeld and Minden until 1957. Already during the war Luther begins to explore painting, in favor of which he gives up his job as a judge, and tries to overcome traditional structures through gestural-informal painting. In 1959 he created his first exclusively black Materiebilder (matter paintings), whose relief protrudes into three
  ZERO-Kurzbiografie Almir Mavignier   Almir Mavignier, geboren am 01. Mai 1925 in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, gestorben am 03. September 2018 in Hamburg, war Maler und Grafiker. Er studiert ab 1946 Malerei in Rio de Janeiro und malt drei Jahre später bereits sein erstes abstraktes Bild. 1951 zieht er nach Paris und von dort aus weiter nach Ulm, wo er bis 1958 an der Hochschule für Gestaltung bei Max Bill und Josef Albers studiert. In dieser Zeit entstehen seine ersten Punkt-Bilder sowie erste Rasterstrukturen, die seine Verbindung zur Konkreten Kunst aufzeigen. Ab 1958 beteiligt Ma
Short ZERO-Biography of Almir Mavignier   Almir Mavignier, born May 01, 1925 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, died September 03, 2018 in Hamburg, was a painter and graphic artist. He studied painting in Rio de Janeiro from 1946 and already painted his first abstract painting three years later. In 1951 he moved to Paris and from there on to Ulm, where he studied at the Hochschule für Gestaltungwith Max Bill and Josef Albers until 1958. During this time he created his first dot paintings as well as his first grid structures, which show his connection to Concrete Art. From 1958 Mavignier partici
ZERO-Kurzbiografie Christian Megert Christian Megert wird am 06. Januar 1936 in Bern geboren, wo er von 1952 bis 1956 die Kunstgewerbeschule besucht. Bereits 1956 stellt er in seiner ersten Ausstellung in Bern weiß-in-weiß gemalte Strukturbilder aus. Nach Aufenthalten in Stockholm, Berlin und Paris, bei denen er sich international behaupten kann, kehrt er 1960 in die Schweiz zurück. In diesem Jahr macht er Bekanntschaft mit den Künstler*innen der ZERO-Bewegung, an deren Ausstellungen er sich mit Environments, Spiegelobjekten und kinetischen Objekten beteiligt. Christian Megerts primäres künstlerisches Gestaltungsmittel ist der Spiegel, den er bereits zu Beginn seiner Karriere für sich entdeckt und mit dem er den Raum erforscht. In seinem Manifest ein neuer raum (1961) beschwört der Künstler seinen idealen Raum ohne Anfang und Ende. Seit 1973 ist Christian Megerts Domizil Düsseldorf, wo er von 1976 bis 2002 die Professur für Integration Bildende Kunst und Architektur an der Kunstakademie innehat. Weiterführende Literatur: Anette Kuhn, Christian Megert. Eine monographie,Wabern-Bern 1997. Foto: Harmut Rekort, Ausstellung "Christian Megert. Unendliche Dimensionen", Galerie d, Frankfurt, 1963
  Short ZERO-Biography of Christian Megert   Christian Megert was born on January 6, 1936 in Bern, where he attended the School of Applied Arts from 1952 to 1956. Already in 1956 he exhibits in his first exhibition in Bern white-in-white painted structural pictures. After residencies in Stockholm, Berlin and Paris, where he was able to establish himself internationally, he returned to Switzerland in 1960. In this year he became acquainted with the artists of the ZERO movement, in whose exhibitions he participated with environments, mirror objects and kinetic objects. Christian Mege
  ZERO-Kurzbiografie Daniel Spoerri   Daniel Spoerri, geboren am 27. März 1930 in Galati, Rumänien, studiert zunächst Tanz und ist zwischen 1952 und 1957 als Balletttänzer in Paris und Bern tätig. Bereits 1956 wendet er sich aber allmählich vom Tanz ab, und, nach einer kurzen Episode als Regieassistent, der bildenden Kunst zu. 1959 nimmt er mit seinem Autotheater an der Ausstellung Vision in Motion – Motion in Vision im Antwerpener Hessenhuis teil, an der auch Heinz Mack und Otto Piene beteiligt sind. Viele der späteren ZERO-Künstler beteiligten sich an seiner Edition MAT (1959), d
  Short ZERO-Biography of Daniel Spoerri   Daniel Spoerri, born on March 27, 1930 in Galati, Romania, initially studied dance and worked as a ballet dancer in Paris and Bern between 1952 and 1957. As early as 1956, however, he gradually turned away from dance and, after a brief episode as an assistant stage director, toward the visual arts. In 1959 he participates with his Autotheater in the exhibition Vision in Motion – Motion in Vision in the Antwerp Hessenhuis, in which Heinz Mack and Otto Piene are also involved. Many of the later ZERO artists participated in his Edition
  ZERO-Kurzbiografie von Günther Uecker Günther Uecker, geboren am 13. März 1930 in Wendorf, Mecklenburg, lebt und arbeitet in Düsseldorf. Nach einem Studium der angewandten Kunst in Wismar und später in Berlin/Weißensee siedelte er 1953 in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland über. Von 1955 bis 1957 studierte er an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, an der er dann von 1974 bis 1995 als Professor tätig wurde. 1958 nahm Günther Uecker an der 7. Abendausstellung „Das rote Bild“ teil, die von Heinz Mack und Otto Piene in der Gladbacher Straße 69 in Düsseldorf organisiert wurde. 1961 beteiligte er sic
Short ZERO biography of Günther Uecker Günther Uecker was born on 13 March 1930 in Wendorf and lives and works in Düsseldorf. After his studies of applied arts in Wismar and later also in Berlin/Weißensee, Uecker moved to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1953. From 1955 to 1957, he studied at the Kunstakademie (Academy of Arts) Düsseldorf, where he later worked at as a professor from 1974 to 1995. In 1958, Günther Uecker participated in the seventh “Abendausstellung” (evening exhibition), organised by Heinz Mack and Otto Piene at Gladbacher Straße 69 in Düsseldorf and called “D
ZERO-Kurzbiografie von Heinz Mack Heinz Mack, am 8. März 1931 im hessischen Lollar geboren, lebt und arbeitet in Mönchengladbach und auf Ibiza. Er studierte von 1950 bis 1956 Malerei an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, wo er Otto Piene kennenlernte, sowie Philosophie an der Universität zu Köln. 1957 initiierte er zusammen mit Otto Piene die sogenannten „Abendausstellungen“, die jeweils nur für einen Abend in den Atelierräumen der zwei Künstler in der Gladbacher Straße 69 zu sehen waren. 1958 gründete Heinz Mack mit Otto Piene die Zeitschrift „ZERO“, die einer ganzen internationalen Kunst
Short ZERO biography of Heinz Mack Heinz Mack was born on 8 March 1931 in Lollar in Hesse and currently lives and works in Mönchengladbach and Ibiza. From 1950 to 1956, he studied the art of painting at the Kunstakademie [Academy of Arts] in Düsseldorf, where he met Otto Piene, as well as philosophy at the University of Cologne. In 1957, Mack, together with Piene, initiated the so-called “Abendausstellungen” [Evening exhibitions], which were only on display for one evening respectively. The exhibitions could be viewed inside the studio space of the two artists, located at Gladbacher S
Otto Piene, Sketch for the slide installation “Lichtballett ‘Hommage à New York'” , 1966Inv.-Nr.: mkp.ZERO.2.IV.90, Nachlass Otto Piene, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf Otto Piene conceived the "Li...
Otto Piene, Entwurf für die Dia-Installation „Lichtballett ‚Hommage à New York'“ , 1966Inv.-Nr.: mkp.ZERO.2.IV.90, Nachlass Otto Piene, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf Otto Piene konzipierte das "L...
Kurzbiografie Nanda Vigo Nanda Vigo, am 14. November 1936 in Mailand geboren und am 16. Mai 2020 ebenda gestorben, war Designerin, Künstlerin, Architektin und Kuratorin. Nachdem sie einen Abschluss als Architektin am Institut Polytechnique, Lausanne, sowie ein Praktikum in San Francisco absolvierte, eröffnet sie 1959 ihr eigenes Studio in Mailand. In diesem Jahr beginnen ihre Besuche in Lucio Fontanas Atelier und sie lernt Piero Manzoni und Enrico Castellani kennen. Zudem reist sie für verschiedenste Ausstellungen durch Europa und lernt so die Künstler*innen und Orte der ZERO-Bewegung in Deu
  Short ZERO-Biography of Nanda Vigo   Nanda Vigo, born in Milan on November 14, 1936, where she died on May 16, 2020, was a designer, artist, architect and curator. After graduating as an architect from the Institut Polytechnique, Lausanne, and an internship in San Francisco, she opened her own studio in Milan in 1959. In this year her visits to Lucio Fontana’s studio begin and she meets Piero Manzoni and Enrico Castellani. She also travels through Europe for various exhibitions and gets to know the artists and places of the ZERO movement in Germany, France and Holland. In 1
Short ZERO-Biography of Oskar Holweck   Oskar Holweck was born in St. Ingbert, Saarland, on November 19, 1924, and died there on January 30, 2007. Except for a few years of study in Paris, he remained loyal to the Saarland. He taught at the State School of Arts and Crafts and at the State School of Applied Arts in Saarbrücken. He turned down appointments at other art schools and invitations to the documenta exhibitions of 1959 and 1972. However, he takes part in the numerous exhibitions of the ZERO group. From 1958 on, he exhibited with its protagonists all over the world. At the begin
ZERO-Kurzbiografie Oskar Holweck   Oskar Holweck wurde am 19. November 1924 in St. Ingbert im Saarland geboren und ist am 30. Januar 2007 ebenda verstorben. Bis auf einige Studienjahre in Paris bleibt er dem Saarland treu. Er lehrt an der Staatlichen Schule für Kunst und Handwerk sowie an der Staatlichen Werkkunstschule in Saarbrücken. Berufungen an andere Kunstschulen und Einladungen zu den documenta-Ausstellungen von 1959 und 1972 lehnt er ab. An den zahlreichen Ausstellungen der ZERO-Gruppe nimmt er aber teil. Ab 1958 stellt er mit ihren Protagonist*innen in der ganzen Welt aus. Zu
  ZERO-Kurzbiografie von Otto Piene Otto Piene wurde am 18. April 1928 in Laasphe (Westfalen) geboren und starb am 17. Juli 2014 in Berlin. Nach zwei Jahren in München studierte er von 1950 bis 1957 Malerei an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf sowie Philosophie an der Universität zu Köln. 1957 initiierte Otto Piene zusammen mit Heinz Mack, den er an der Kunstakademie kennengelernt hatte, die sogenannten „Abendausstellungen“, die jeweils nur für einen Abend in den Atelierräumen der zwei Künstler in der Gladbacher Straße 69 zu sehen waren. 1958 gründete er mit Heinz Mack die Zeitschrift „ZERO“
  Short ZERO biography of Otto Piene Otto Piene was born on 18 April 1928 in Laasphe (Westphalia) and died on 17 July 2014 in Berlin. After spending two years in Munich, he studied the art of painting at the Kunstakademie [Academy of Arts] in Düsseldorf from 1950 to 1957, as well as philosophy at the University of Cologne. In 1957, Otto Piene, together with Heinz Mack, initiated the “Abendausstellungen”, which were only on display for one evening respectively. The artists had met in the Kunstakademie and the exhibitions could be viewed in their joint studio space, located at Gladbacher
Heinz Mack, Rotor für Lichtgitter , 1967Rotor: 141,5 x 141,5 x 25 cm, Sockel: 60 x 125 x 35 cm, Aluminium, Plexiglas, Spanplatte, Motor, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, Invent.-Nr. mkp.ZERO.2009.03, Foto: Weiss-Henseler
Heinz Mack, Rotor für Lichtgitter, 1967, rotor: 141,5 x 141,5 x 25 cm, base: 60 x 125 x 35 cm, aluminum, acrylic glass, wood (chipboard), motor, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, Invent.-No. mkp.ZERO.2009.03, photo: Weiss-Henseler
Günther Uecker, Sandmühle, 1970/2009, 50 x 60 x 400 (dia) cm, cords, wood, electric motor, sand, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, Invent.-No. mkp.ZERO.2008.66, photo: ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf and Pohang Museum of Steel Art, Pohang
Günther Uecker, Sandmühle , 1970/200950 x 60 x 400 (dia) cm, Bindfäden, Holz, Elektrikmotor, Sand, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, Invent.-Nr. mkp.ZERO.2008.66, Foto: ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf and Pohang Museum of Steel Art, Pohang                                                                                                                                                           
Heinz Mack, Siehst du den Wind? (Gruß an Tinguely), 1962, 204 x 64 x 40 cm, Aluminium, Eisen, Elektrik, Motor, Kunststoffbänder, Klebeband, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, Invent.-Nr. mkp.ZERO.2008.16, Foto: N.N.
Heinz Mack, Siehst du den Wind? (Gruß an Tinguely), 1962, 204 x 64 x 40 cm, aluminum, iron, electrical system, motor (220 V), plastic ribbons, tape, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, Invent.-No. mkp.ZERO.2008.16, photo: N.N.
Günther Uecker, Sintflut (Die Engel Fliegen), 1963, 89 x 62.5 cm (framed: 102 x 72.5 cm), b/w photographic prints, newspaper clippings, handmade paper, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, inventory no.: FK.ZERO.2023.03, photo: Matias Möller
Günther Uecker, Sintflut (Die Engel Fliegen), 1963, 89 x 62,5 cm (gerahmt: 102 x 72,5 cm), SW-Fotoabzüge, Zeitungsausschnitte, Büttenpapier, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, Invent.-Nr.: FK.ZERO.2023.03, Foto: Matias Möller
Short ZERO-Biography of  Uli Pohl   Born in Munich on October 28, 1935, Uli Pohl studied painting under Ernst Geitlinger at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich from 1954 to 1961. In 1961, Udo Kultermann invites the graduate to participate in the exhibition 30 junge Deutsche (30 Young Germans) at Morsbroich Castle in Leverkusen. Heinz Mack, Otto Piene and Günther Uecker are also involved in this. It is not long before he is included in the magazine ZERO vol. 3 as DYNAMO POHL and from then on his works are part of the ZERO exhibitions. Pohl’s artistic material of choice has for a lon
  ZERO-Kurzbiografie Walter Leblanc   Walter Leblanc, geboren am 26. Dezember 1932 in Antwerpen, gestorben am 14. Januar 1986 in Brüssel, studierte von 1949 bis 1954 an der Königlichen Akademie für Schöne Künste in Antwerpen. 1958 wird er zu einem der Gründungsmitglieder der Künstlergruppe G58 Hessenhuis. Ein Jahr später taucht das erste Mal die Torsion als Gestaltungsmittel in seinen Werken auf, die zu dem bestimmenden Merkmal seiner Kunst wird. Mithilfe von Windungen und Verdrehungen von Papier, Karton oder Fäden werden dreidimensionale Strukturen geschaffen, die auch in skulptur
  Short ZERO-Biography of Walter Leblanc   Walter Leblanc, born December 26, 1932 in Antwerp, died January 14, 1986 in Brussels, studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Königliche Akademie für Schöne Künste) in Antwerp from 1949 to 1954. In 1958 he became one of the founding members of the artist group G58 Hessenhuis. A year later, torsion appeared for the first time as a design element in his works, and it became the defining characteristic of his art. With the help of twists and turns of paper, cardboard or threads, three-dimensional structures are created, which are also tran
Otto Piene, Weißer Lichtgeist , 1966220 x Ø 60 cm, crystal glass, metal, bulb, timer, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, Invent.-No. mkp.ZERO.2012.06, photo: Marcus Schwier
Otto Piene, Weißer Lichtgeist, 1966, 220 x Ø 60 cm, Kristallglas, Metall, Glühbirnen, Zeitschaltung, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, Invent.-Nr. mkp.ZERO.2012.06, Foto: Marcus Schwier
Heinz Mack, ZERO-Rakete für „ZERO“, Nr. 3, 1961, Inv.-Nr.: mkp.ZERO.2.VI.30, Nachlass Otto Piene, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf
Heinz Mack, ZERO rocket for “ZERO”, no. 3, 1961, Inv.-Nr.: mkp.ZERO.2.VI.30, Nachlass Otto Piene, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf
Heinz Mack, ZERO-Wecker, 1964, 15 x 13 x 6 cm, Wecker mit Collage, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, Invent.-Nr. mkp.ZERO.2008.12, Foto: Horst Kolberg
hello world