J Join
by Rebecca Welkens
Correspondence in the ZERO foundation Archive from A to Z
In March 1958, Heinz Mack (b. 1931) and Otto Piene (1928–2014) sent thirty-one letters to people from various walks of life, asking them to respond to the question “Does contemporary painting conspicuously shape the world?”[i] This action can be seen as a prelude to the journalistic activities of Mack and Piene, who were in the process of developing the concept for the magazine ZERO 1, and wished to use people’s answers to the question in place of a foreword. The two young artists were not afraid of big names and so, for example, they contacted the physicist Werner Heisenberg (1901–1976) and the philosopher Theodor W. Adorno (1903–1969). Heisenberg let it be known via his office that he was traveling and didn’t have time to answer the question, but Adorno replied with a long letter, although he didn’t want to be part of the project. He also requested that “this letter not be published in any shape or form or used publicly.”[ii]
[i] Dirk Pörschmann, “ZERO bis unendlich: Genese und Geschichte einer Künstlerzeitschrift,” in Dirk Pörschmann and Mattijs Visser, eds., ZERO 4321 (Düsseldorf, 2012), pp. 424–42, 427.
[ii] Theodor W. Adorno to Heinz Mack and Otto Piene, March 18, 1958, archive of the ZERO foundation, estate of Otto Piene, inv. no. mkp.ZERO.2.I.1162; Werner Heisenberg to Otto Piene, March 20, 1958, archive of the ZERO foundation, estate of Otto Piene, inv. no. mkp.ZERO.2.I.969.
Although very few of those contacted took part in the project—in the end the texts of only six people were published—Mack and Piene’s project, especially for the ZERO period, can be seen as the start of a constantly growing network, which is accessed primarily via a sizable body of correspondence. Well over 6,000 letters are held in the ZERO foundation archive today, which testify to the lively communication among the ZERO artists, and those who were to become ZERO artists. The correspondence paints an animated and above all international picture of the ZERO network. This is also clear from the languages in which the letters are written; there are many in German and English, but also letters in Croatian, Spanish, French, and Italian, to only name a few.
Today, many of the letters would probably be classed as business correspondence, as their contents are mainly concerned with joint exhibitions or the sale of artworks. However, on taking a closer look at the letters, it becomes clear that the dividing line between private and professional is not as clear-cut as one might initially assume. In many letters, telegrams, and postcards, personal matters are discussed alongside professional affairs, congratulations are conveyed, and best wishes for a happy vacation are sent, all of which bear witness to the close friendships that existed between individual protagonists. Testament to this is the large number of postcards in the archive. Günther Uecker (b. 1930), for example, sends Heinz Mack “best wishes” from France and says he has been fishing with Yves Klein (1928–1962).[i] Or the postcard from Heinz Mack, Walter Leblanc (1932–1986), Getulio Alviani (1939–2018), and Nanda Vigo (1936–2020), sent from Milan with best regards to Otto Piene in Düsseldorf, who was probably unable to attend the meeting in Italy.[ii]
[i] Günther Uecker to Heinz Mack, n.d., archive of the ZERO foundation, estate of Heinz Mack, inv. no. mkp.ZERO.1.I.873.
[ii] Walter Leblanc, Heinz Mack, Nanda Vigo, and Getulio Alviani to Otto Piene, n.d., archive of the ZERO foundation, estate of Otto Piene, inv. no. mkp.ZERO.2.I.1914.
However, it is not only the acquaintances and friendships that existed which can be traced through the correspondence. The letters also bear witness to the first contacts between artists—for example, one of Heinz Mack’s first letters to Lucio Fontana (1899–1968), dated July 1960, requests him to write an article for theZERO 3 magazine.[i] Newly established contacts were also strengthened through written exchanges, as can be seen from a letter by Hans Haacke (b. 1936) to Otto Piene in November 1960. Haacke writes that he has pleasant memories of his visit to Düsseldorf, and tells Piene about his new acquaintances in Paris, Bernard Aubertin (1934–2015) and Yves Klein. But that’s not all—Haacke also tells us that “the ‘Mack et Piene’ firm … is known here as an operation where new things are tried out in which one should perhaps take an interest,” thus painting a vivid picture of the far reach of ZERO’s influence in France.[ii] In addition to first contacts and the expansion of the circle of acquaintances, the correspondence also provides information about when relationships and collaborations came to an end. For example, in April 1963, Almir Mavignier (1925–2018) wrote that he wanted no more contact with ZERO for the time being, and did not wish to participate in any more events of the ZERO circle.[iii]
[i] Heinz Mack to Lucio Fontana (draft), July 2, 1960, archive of the ZERO foundation, estate of Heinz Mack, inv. no. mkp.ZERO.1.I.316.
[ii] Hans Haacke to Otto Piene, November 1, 1960, archive of the ZERO foundation, estate of Otto Piene, inv. no. mkp.ZERO.2.I.847.
[iii] Almir Mavignier to Heinz Mack, April 28, 1963, archive of the ZERO foundation, estate of Heinz Mack, inv. no. mkp.ZERO.1.I.809.
The following list gives an idea of the written world of ZERO, and the rich and diverse network that the ZERO artists, male and female, were able to build up within a very short time. The list includes only the names of the correspondents that are entirely legible and, above all, are clearly identifiable. The individual institutions, such as the museums and galleries as well as the companies with which the ZERO artists worked, have been omitted for reasons of clarity. The starting point is primarily the correspondence in the estates of Heinz Mack and Otto Piene. These are the people to whom Mack and Piene themselves wrote, and the letters that they received in return, especially in the nineteen-fifties and nineteen-sixties.[i]
Finally, it should be said that this list is by no means complete. The correspondence in the archive is constantly being added to, so the following list should rather be seen as a work in progress that only provides a rough overview.
[i] For a detailed insight, it is worth taking a look at the database of the ZERO foundation, d:kult, which can be accessed via the following link: https://emuseum.duesseldorf.de/institutions/113282/zerofoundation (accessed March 12, 2024).
Abe, Nobuya
Ackermann, Oscar
Adorno, Theodor
Adrian, Marc
Aengevelt, Leo
Albers, Josef
Alberts, Eduard
Alfieri, Bruno
Alloway, Lawrence
Altenstadt, Ulrich S. von
Alviani, Getulio
Apollonio, Umbro
Argan, Carlo Giulio
Aubertin, Bernard
Aue, Marianne
Aue, Walter
Aust, Günter
Baerwind, Rudi
Baier, Hans Alexander
Bänfer, Carl
Barlen, Dieter
Barras, Henri
Bartels, Hermann
Battisti, Eugenio
Baukloh, Friedhelm
Baum, Gustav Adolf
Baum, Stella
Baumgärtel, Gerhard
Beck, Heinz
Becker, Andreas
Bek, Bozo
Belloli, Carlo
Bendixen, Klaus
Berndt, Jürgen
Bethsold, Werner
Bette, J. Michael
Beuys, Eva
Bhavsar, Natvar
Blicke, Maurits
Bill, Max
Blomenroehr, Bernd D.
Böcker, Christa
Boom, Raoul van den
Börner, Klaus
Boukes, Renate
Boveri, Margret A.
Bowen, Denis
Bowness, Alan
Breier, Kilian
Brüning, Peter
Brusberg, Dieter
Buchholz, Erich
Burchartz, Max
Burgauer, Curt
Burnham, Jack
Bury, Pol
Busse, Hal
Calderara, Antonio
Castellani, Enrico
Cauduro, Ed
Chatterji, Nimai
Christen, Andreas
Chruxin, Christian
Cladders, Johannes
Clert, Iris
Clüsserath, August
Copier, Dirk
Dahmen, Ursula
Damiano, Charles
Dasi, Gerardo Filberto
Daume, Willi
Dauphin, Gerald
Deilmann, Harald
Dietrich, Hansjoachim
Doldinger, Klaus
Domnick, Greta
Dorazio, Piero
Dorfles, Gillo
Dotremont, Philippe
Drescher, Renate
Dreste, Hans
Eckert, Engelbert
Eichler, Hans
Engel, Otmar
Engelskirchen, Hein
Engert, Bernhard
Epple, Waldemar
Epple, Waldemar
Erb, Leo
Ertel, Kurt Friedrich
Estenfelder, Cam
Etecheverry, Diégo
Evans, David
Fackler, Helmut
Faigle, Walter
Fassbender, Franz
Fata, Ferruccio
Faulhaber, Ulrich
Fedeck, Walter
Feigel, Marie-Suzanne
Fischer, Ernst
Fischer, Klaus Jürgen
Fitzsimmons, James
Fleischmann-Roepcke, Anna
Fontana, Lucio
Franken, Heinrich
Freese, Jan
Fried, Kurt
Friedman, Martin
Friedrich, Gerhardpaul
Fuchs, Günther
Fuegen, Willy
Funcke, Brigitte
Fyvel, Tosco R.
Gardiner, Margaret
Gebhard, Klaus
Geccelli, Johannes
Geelhoed, Lex
Gehlen, Arnold
Geiger, Rupprecht
Gekeler, Hans
Gerber, Helmut
Gerhardt, Renate
Gerlach, Rose D.
Gerstendörfer, J. J.
Gerstner, Karl
Gielow, Wolfgang
Gloudemans, Jan
Godfrey, Thomas B. A.
Goepfert, Hermann
Goeritz, Mathias
Gorges, Claus
Gorzolka, Otto
Gossel, Christa
Gossel, Hans Bernd
Götz, Karl Otto
Graevenitz, Gerhard von
Greef, Ulrich Volker
Green, Samuel Adams
Gribaudo, Ezio
Grisebach, Hanna
Grobe, Gustav
Grochowiak, Thomas
Grohmann, Will
Groschwitz, Gustave von
Grosse, Helmut
Günther, Volkmar
Haacke, Hans
Haas, Helmuth de
Haftmann, Werner
Hajek, Otto-Herbert
Hake, Wolfgang
Hammarberg, Jarl
Hammond, John E.
Harms, Gudrun
Hartmann, Adolf
Hartung, Gerd
Hartung, Karl
Hastings, Margarte
Hausmann, Raoul
Hehns, Dietrich
Heimzely, Marc
Heisenberg, Werner
Helms, Dietrich
Hennig, Emil
Herstand, Arnold
Hewitt, Francis R.
Hildebrand, Heide
Hiltmann, Jochen
Hoehme, Gerhard
Hoeydonck, Paul von
Holtmann, Heinz
Holweck, Oskar
Honisch, Dieter
Horn, Karl
Hulten, Pontus
Hündeberg, Jürgen von
Iserloh, Hans
Jappe, Georg
Jürgen-Fischer, Klaus
Kage, Manfred
Kahmen, Volker
Kalinowski, Horst Egon
Kalish, Ursula
Kandzia, Christian
Kaufmann, Herbert
Kawakita, Michiaki
Keller-Hämmerle, Alfons
Kemp, Willi
Kepes, György
Kirschbaum, Walter
Klapheck, Konrad
Klebus, Herbert
Klein, Yves
Kleint, Boris
Knoche, Werner
Knöll, Niklaus
Knorr, Anneliese
Koestler, Arthur
König, Willi
Korn, Karl
Kowallek, Rochus
Kraayenhof, Hans
Kreiterling, Willi
Kricke, Norbert
Krippendorf, Klaus
Krüger, Gerhard Georg
Kühl, Siegfried
Kultermann, Udo
Kusama, Yayoi
Laszlo, Carl
Latham, John
Laugs, Heinz Werner
Leblanc, Walter
Leering, Jean
Lehmbrock, Josef
LeParc, Julio
Leuze, Ursula
Linfert, Carl
Lipman, Jean
Lippsmeier, Georg
Liverani, Gian Tomaso
Lo Savio, Francesco
Löffelholz, Franz
Lohmeyer, Brigitte
Lorenz, Marianne
Lück, Herbert
Lückeroth, Jupp
Lufft, Peter
Luther, Adolf
Mack, Heinz
Mack, Margret
Mack, Ute
Mäckle, Richard
Maglietta, Nina
Mahlow, Dietrich
Manfred, Ernest
Mansch, Joachim
Manzoni Meroni, Valeria
Manzoni, Piero
Marck, Jan van der
Mari, Enzo
Marx, Eberhard
Massironi, Manfredo
Mavignier, Almir
McCray. Porter
Megert, Christian
Meinborn, Els
Meisner, Günter
Melland, David
Menninger, Klaus
Mestrovic, Matko
Meyerholz, Hans
Mikorey, Franz
Moeller, Hans
Moldow, Ira
Moll, Paul
Morschel, Jürgen
Motte, Manfred de la
Muche, Georg
Müllenholz, Leo
Müller, Hans-Jürgen
Müller-Hauck, Janni
Murakami, Moriyuki
Naegeli, Eduard
Nebel, Karl
Nebelung, Hella
Neuerburg, Doris
Neufert, Peter
Neumann, Eckhard
Noah, Heinz
Nordland, Gerald
Novarro, Eddy
Novarro, Nana
Oehm, Herbert
Oestereich, Jürgen
Oppen, Hans von
Otto, Wolfgang Th.
Paik, Nam June
Pée, Herbert
Peeters, Henk
Pellegrini, Aldo
Perkins, G. Holmes
Petersen, Ad
Petersen, Peter Jes
Petitot, Léonce
Pfennig, Reinhard
Piek, Heinz
Piene, Otto
Pietzsch, Eva
Plaoutine, Nicolas
Platschek, Hans
Pohl, Uli
Pomodoro, Arnaldo
Pomodoro, Gio
Popper, Frank
Puvogel, Edgar H.
Quinte, Lothar
Radin, Paul
Rahn, Eckart
Rainer, Arnulf
Ramsbott, Wolfgang
Rathke, Wolfgang
Raum, Walter
Reindel, Wolfgang
Rekort, Hartmut
René, Denise
Renger, Konrad
Restany, Pierre
Reydams, Jacqueline
Richter, Hans
Rickey, George
Río, Eustolio del
Rodker, Joan M.
Roeckenschuss, Christian
Roh, Franz
Roh, Juliane
Rose, Barbara
Rosenquist, Jim
Rosenthal, Nan
Rosenthal, Sol Roy
Rot, Diter
Rothe, Wolfgang
Rottloff, Helgard
Rotzler, Willy
Ruhnau, Werner
Ruhrberg, Karl
Rumbler, Helmut
Ruths, Heiner
Salentin, Hans
Schiessel, Johanna
Schirmer, Lutz
Schmalenbach, Werner
Schmela, Alfred
Schmela, Monika
Schmidt, Thomas
Schmied, Wieland
Schneider, Aenne
Schneider-Esleben, Paul
Schnitzler, Dieter
Schönenberger, Horst
Schreib, Werner
Schröder, Anneliese
Schroeter, Rolf
Schuldt, Herbert
Schulze-Vellinghausen, Albert
Schumacher, Emil
Schurz, Carl
Schwager, Frithjof
Schwarz, Arturo
Schweicher, Curt
Schweighofer, Fritz
Schwickert, Ludwig
Schwippert, Hans
Sedlmayr, Hans
Seel, Eberhard
Seide, Wilhelm
Seitz, Fritz
Seitz, Wilhelm C.
Seyfried, Ludwig
Shimbun, Yomiuri
Siepmann, Heinrich
Simmat, William E.
Slotnick, Merv
Sloves, Jack
Sonnabend, Michael
Soprano, Edoardo
Soto, Jesús Rafael
Spielberg, Joan
Spielberger, Roman
Spielmann, Heinz
Spindel, Ferdinand
Spoerri, Daniel
Stachelhaus, Heiner
Stahl, Lotte
Stankowski, Anton
Stassig, Franz
Staudt, Klaus
Stempel, Hans
Stiehl, Hans Adolf
Stielow, Reimar
Stolz, Elisabeth
Storck, Gerhard
Sturm, Robert
Szeemann, Harald
Thwaites, John Anthony
Tigerman, Stanley
Tilmann, Gustav
Tinguely, Jean
Tischer, Manfred
Trier, Eduard
Trost, Horst E.
Trouillard, John
Tunnard, Peter H.
Uecker, Günther
Ungers, Oswald Mathias
Vanista, Josip
Verheyen, Jef
Vietta, Egon
Vigo, Nanda
Vircher, Antoinette
Vismara, Zita
Vogel, Albert
Vogel, Hermann
Vollmer, Franziska
Vostell, Wolf
Vree, Paul de
vries, herman de
Wacker, Karl-Heinz
Walter, Hans-Albert
Wasmuth, Johannes
Wedewer, Josef
Wedewer, Rolf
Wehling, Oskar
Weidler, Charlotte
Wember, Paul
Westphal, Bernd
Wiegers, Hartmut
Wiehager, Renate
Wilhelm, Jean Pierre
Wilkes, Günter
Williams, Emmett
Williams, Hermann Warner
Willing, Jürgen
Winkler, Gerhard
Wise, Howard
Wolfshohl, Ernst-Otto
Wormland, Theo
Wunderwald, Alfred
Wunderwald, Erika
Zander, Josef
Zillmann, Adolf
This text has been translated from German into English by Gloria Custance.